How To Beat The Behemoth in Octopath Traveler 2



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The Behemoth is a powerful optional boss in Octopath Traveler 2. While defeating it isn’t required to finish the entire game, it is part of the step to unlock a new secondary job, the Armsmaster. In addition, it utilizes weapon-specific attacks, making it an excellent choice for Hikari or other physical fighters.

The battle itself is also part of the larger Octopath Traveler 2 Divine Weapon quest, with the Behemoth yielding a Rusty Bow used to make the powerful Hunter’s Bow. Still, players will want to be at least level 40 before considering taking on this lengthy task. Those that want to test if they are strong enough can enter the beast’s lair at the Sinking Ruins in Toto’haha. If even the random encounters are too difficult, one will want to train before taking on the actual Behemoth.


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Best Team & Ability Composition To Beat The Behemoth

How To Beat The Behemoth in Octopath Traveler 2

A very balanced team is needed to take on the Behemoth. It deals strong physical attacks that can petrify and is weak to Ice, Bows, and Polearms. Therefore, players will want to take along several key job options – these can either be the primary of a main character or a secondary earned with an Octopath Traveler 2 guild license. The only exception is Partitio, who is the single party member that can use the exclusive combination of Merchant and Arcanist together.

Party Member



Uses Polearms. They can also boost defense with Stout Wall.


Can raise defense with Prayer of Flames and provide additional support healing.


Deals strong Ice damage and other attacks.

Apothecary-Dancer or Dancer-Apothecary

Prevents petrification with Rehabilitate; usable on the whole part with Sealticge’s Seduction. Has ice-based attacks.


Can combine Seal of Diffusion with Sidestep to make the whole team immune to physical attacks. Also can use both bows and Polearms.

Strategy For Beating The Behemoth

Ochette battles the Behemoth in Ocopath Traveler 2

As mentioned, the Behemoth uses petrification in its varied arsenal. Players will need plenty of Herbs of Grace to heal the status effect. Octopath Traveler 2 Apothecaries like Castti can also remove petrification. Players will want to put up all their defenses first and then consider counter-attacking once the Behemoth is no longer a threat.

As seen from XCoreGamer‘s video on Youtube, The Behemoth has a full eight shields and will take no damage until its Octopath Traveler 2 weakness is triggered those eight times. Only characters can deal piercing from Polearms and Bows, or Ice Magic should be among the initial damage dealers. Even after all shields are down, avoid using sword or dagger attacks, as they will still be heavily resisted. Axe and staff attacks can be used if no healing or defense is needed.

After defeating the Behemoth, a red chest will appear behind it in the Sinking Ruins dungeon. Players can take the Rusty Bow inside and leave at this point. However, many more side activities in Octopath Traveler 2 will still need time investments. In addition, several more optional dungeons and bosses are still part of the ultimate weapon acquisition.

More: Which Octopath Traveler 2 Character You Should Start With

Source: XCoreGamer/YouTube

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    Octopath Traveler 2

    Octopath Traveler

    Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC


    Square Enix Business Division 11, Acquire

    Square Enix



    Square Enix welcomes players to the world of Solista with Octopath Traveler 2, which will release on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Consoles, and PC.  This sequel to the 2018 game will star eight new heroes players will switch back and forth with a new day and night system. Different stories play out at different times of the day and the eight heroes will meet sooner than they had in the original entry. The day and night mechanic will also significantly impact the gameplay, as certain path actions and combat abilities will change depending on if the sun or moon is prevalent. Octopath Traveler 2 will once again feature the iconic HD-2D art style which places pixel art characters in a 3D drawn environment. The game will release on February 24 2023.

    Octopath Traveler



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