It’s been over a year since Josh Duggar was convicted on charges of receiving and possessing child sexual abuse materials.
And clearly, Josh’s parents are still trying to make sense of the scandal and the role that they might have played in it.
Insiders have alleged that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar helped to create a culture of abuse that enabled their eldest son to get away with a string of atrocities over the course of several years.
And now, it seems the couple is being torn apart by the question of which one of them bears the most blame for Josh’s depravity.

At first, both Jim Bob and Michelle maintained their stubborn belief that Josh was wrongly convicted and would be acquitted on appeal.
But it seems that they’ve recently come to accept the possibility that he’s guilty of the horrific crimes for which he’s been convicted.
And according to a new report from YouTuber Katie Joy, Jim Bob and Michelle have known for quite some time that they raised a monster.

“In 2006, Michelle had told her friends the reason Josh was the way he was is because when he was eight years old [sic] he found a box of men’s magazines,” Joy said on her channel this week.
“And that was why he did what he did. Well, Michelle’s story didn’t match what Jim Bob’s story was. So, once Jim Bob started talking to his friends, this friend told me that he actually started blaming Michelle,” she continued.
“He told a bunch of the people at church that Michelle was promiscuous in high school and because she was promiscuous in high school, and because she would sometimes self please herself, Josh inherited her tendencies.”

Such insanity shouldn’t come as a surprise, of course.
The Duggars famously believe that female promiscuity is the root of all evil, so of course Jim Bob would find a way to blame his son’s sex crimes on the fact that his wife went on a few dates in high school.
“He was saying that Michelle’s sin and problems with premarital promiscuity and pleasuring herself in her teen years was the reason for why Josh did what he did to his sisters,” Joy continued.

“He also said at one point that he became like his father or inherited things from his father, but he wouldn’t specify what his father did,” she continued.
“Jim Bob would basically point the finger at anyone else.”
So to recap, Jim Bob believes that sexual depravity is a genetically hereditable trait, and Josh became a child molester because his mother used to masturbate.

If anything, ol’ JB is making a strong case for himself as the parent who’s most responsible for breaking Josh’s brain.
At the end of the day, of course, Josh is responsible for his own appalling misdeeds.
But being raised by a father with some shockingly backward views on sex and gender relations certainly didn’t help his psychological development.
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