The Best Stasis Builds For Destiny 2 Lightfall



Destiny 2: Lightfall’s Stasis builds are good choices for players who want to use a subclass specialized in crowd control and that operates differently from the recently introduced Strand. Stasis was the first Darkness-based power introduced to the game and is represented by ice powers, capable of freezing and shattering opponents, whether they are Guardians or aliens.

While they are not the best in PvE or PvP activities, Stasis builds are far from bad options. However, they can be a nuisance for opponents in the Crucible and are strongly recommended as a supporting subclass for high-tier PvE activities, such as Nightfall Strikes, Legend and Master Dungeons, and Raids. Additionally, Stasis changed Destiny 2’s gameplay significantly, introducing a new way of customizing builds that was later applied to all other subclasses in the game, making it a predecessor for all 3.0 builds and even Strand itself.


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What Stasis Is Good For

Destiny 2: Beyond Light's Guardians aiming their guns on Europa while wearing the regional armor sets. A Pyramid is in the background as the sun shines brightly above it.

Stasis builds in Destiny 2: Lightfall are good choices for crowd control mechanics due to their freezing powers. They can, however, also be used to apply an overwhelming amount of damage against stronger foes and quickly clear weaker ads. Unlike most of the Light classes after the 3.0 rework and Strand, Stasis only has one buff attributed to it: Stasis Crystal. All three classes in Destiny 2, Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks, can create these Crystals, which can then be Shattered for a Stasis AoE (area of effect). Additionally, the subclass pickup item is the Stasis Shard, which helps with melee energy restoration.

Regarding debuffs, Stasis builds in Destiny 2: Lightfall have three: Slow, Freeze, and Shatter. Slow reduces the opponent’s movement speed, ability regeneration, and weapon performance. With 100 stacks of Slow, they become Frozen. As of Lightfall, Slow also counters Overload Champions. Freeze, as its name indicates, freezes opponents in Stasis energy, making them unable to do anything. After receiving more damage, they will Shatter. When Guardians are Frozen, they can break free without taking damage.

Lastly, Shatter is the Stasis AoE that damages nearby opponents. With Lightfall’s new mechanics, this effect counters Unstoppable Champions in Destiny 2. The three mentioned debuffs are easily achievable with every Stasis subclass in Destiny 2: Lightfall, and due to how cyclical the Slow, Freeze, and Shatter mechanic is, the classes may even use all three. This is very different from other elements, such as Void or Solar, which tend to see Guardians specialize in a few buffs and debuffs rather than the whole roster of effects.

Best Stasis Titan Builds (Behemoth)

A Destiny 2: Beyond Light Titan Behemoth using their Super ability on Europa.

As is the case with most of its subclasses, the Stasis builds in Destiny 2: Lightfall for Titans is focused on close-range combat. The Behemoth specializes in quickly Freezing opponents and shattering them for continuous AoE attacks. On the battlefield, they will normally operate as a tank, being able to take more damage than Hunters and Warlocks in Destiny 2. What they lack in more damage output against stronger foes, they compensate for in crowd control mechanics and constant Freezing, which their Fireteam can shatter.

Related: The Best Void Builds For Destiny 2 Lightfall

Destiny 2: Best Titan Stasis Build

Super Ability

Glacial Quake

Class Ability

Towering Barricade or Rally Barricade

Melee Ability

Shiver Strike


Glacier Grenade


  • Tectonic Harvest or Howl Of The Storm
  • Diamond Lance


  • Whisper Of Chains
  • Whisper Of Rime
  • Whisper Of Fissures
  • Whisper Of Shards
  • Whisper Of Conduction

Exotic Armor


Stat Priority

  • Resilience
  • Discipline
  • Intellect

Best Mods

  • Bomber
  • Innervation
  • Impact Induction
  • Grenade Kickstart
  • Bolstering Detonation

Using this Stasis build will turn a Titan in Destiny 2: Lightfall into a grenadier. With it, they should constantly be creating Stasis walls and shattering them with their melee or shooting at them. Its Fragments and Aspects will see them protected in close quarters and grabbing Stasis Fragments for them and the team. The Hoarfrost-Z Exotic chest armor also changes the regular barricade for a wall of Stasis, making a Stasis Titan a continuous source of Freezing. To wrap it up, players can fix the lack of more damage output with a strong weapon – Witherhoard is fantastic for subclass builds that lack firepower.

Best Stasis Hunter Builds (Revenant)

A Destiny 2: Beyond Light Hunter Revenant using their Stasis Super ability on Europa.

Unlike Titans, who focus primarily on close-range Shatter combat, Hunters’ Stasis builds in Destiny 2: Lightfall tend to stay further away from enemies and use Slow and Freeze to their advantage. So while Titans will be creating Stasis walls and Shattering them, Hunters should be spamming their melee and grenades, using crowd control tactics, and dealing significant damage with their Super ability. This is also an excellent build for creating Stasis Shards and Orbs of Power, which can be customized to help the ability and health regeneration, increased resilience, and more.

Destiny 2: Best Hunter Stasis Build

Super Ability

Silence and Squall

Class Ability

Gambler’s Dodge

Melee Ability

Withering Blade


Duskfield Grenade


  • Winter’s Shroud
  • Grim Harvest


  • Whisper Of Durance
  • Whisper Of Chains
  • Whisper Of Rime
  • Whisper Of Refraction
  • Whisper Of Fractures or Whisper Of Torment

Exotic Armor

FR0ST-EE5 or Masks of Bakris

Stat Priority

  • Resilience
  • Discipline
  • Strength

Best Mods

  • Bomber
  • Innervation
  • Ashes To Assets
  • Recuperation
  • Reaper

Utilizing this Stasis build will allow Hunters to be constantly on the move, jumping into close-range quarters to Slow and Freeze opponents, then heading out to a safer distance to apply damage with their weapons. The choice of Exotic armor is entirely up to the player and their playstyle, though Mask of Bakris is preferable if players are going to head into waves of adds more frequently than not. Players will also juggle their grenade, melee, and dodge to fuel one another and keep Slow up as often as possible. This Hunter build in Destiny 2 is the strongest one among all other Stasis subclasses.

Best Stasis Warlock Builds (Shadebinder)

A Destiny 2: Beyond Light Warlock Shadebinder using their Stasis Super Ability on Europa.

Warlock Stasis builds are all about dealing an immense amount of damage from a safe and further range – as is the case with most Warlock builds. The main objective of the build is to Freeze opponents as often as possible and use the enemies’ downtime to deal massive amounts of weapon damage. Along with this, Warlocks should be generating a great deal of Stasis Shards, which will help regenerate melee and, thus, Freeze once again. This Stasis build has the best crowd-control options in the game and is incredibly valuable in teams that need to deal with large groups of opponents.

Related: The Best Solar Builds For Destiny 2 Lightfall

Destiny 2: Best Warlock Stasis Build

Super Ability

Winter’s Wrath

Class Ability

Healing Rift

Melee Ability

Penumbral Blast


Coldsnap Grenade


  • Bleak Watcher
  • Glacial Harvest or Iceflare Bolts


  • Whisper Of Hedrons
  • Whisper Of Bonds
  • Whisper Of Rime
  • Whisper Of Torment or Whisper Of Rending

Exotic Armor

Osmiomancy Gloves

Stat Priority

  • Resilience
  • Discipline
  • Recovery

Best Mods

  • Bomber
  • Innervation
  • Ashes To Assets
  • Grenade Kickstart
  • Impact Induction

This Warlock Stasis build will see Guardians charging up their grenades to spawn turrets that can Freeze multiple enemies. Additionally, their Exotic Osmiomancy armor will grant them two Coldsnap Grenades, which will be able to Freeze even more opponents. Finally, if players choose Iceflare Bolts, they can Freeze even more opponents when they defeat Frozen opponents. It is best, however, to go with Glacial Harvest to create Stasis Shards for the team.

Stasis builds for the Lightfall expansion are hardly the best to choose from. This is especially when compared to the new Strand subclass builds in Destiny 2, which bring a lot of new crowd-control options to the table without sacrificing damage output. Nonetheless, they are solid options with steady mechanics that can make opponents’ lives more difficult, especially if they are constantly debuffed. PvE is the best way to go Stasis in Destiny 2, though these builds do work quite decently in PvP as well.

More: How To Unlock (& Use) Strand In Destiny 2

  • Destiny 2 Game Poster
    Destiny 2


    PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft Windows, Stadia



    Activision, Bungie

    Sci-Fi, Action

    Online Co-Op, Online Multiplayer

    Bungie Proprietary Engine


    Destiny 2 is a multi-player, live-service, first-person shooter by the original creators of Halo, Bungie. Players will assume the role of a Guardian – an elite force of protectors of Earth that are bestowed with a power called Light to defend humanity from encroaching aliens and a threat known as the Darkness. The game has several expansions that flesh out the world and constantly change the core game’s world while introducing brand new challenging raid events for teams of players to take on.

    Expansion Packs :
    Forsaken, Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, The Witch Queen, Light Fall




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