9 Hidden eBook Gems To Help L&D Pros



Highlighting eLearning Guides To Check Out This Spring

How do you navigate through skills shortages? Is there really a place for the metaverse in your training strategy? How can you onboard new hires in record time? You’ll find the answers to these questions and more in the hidden eBook gems below. These eLearning guides cover all the essentials, including implementing blended learning customer training strategies and tips to launch a VR strategy.

9 Titles You Won’t Want To Miss

1. 5 Things Your eLearning Strategy Needs (Beyond A Bigger Course Library) By Brainier

The ongoing shift to hybrid and remote work is boosting eLearning’s popularity. For these disparate workforces that require a flexible and adaptive LMS, the time for a one-size-fits-all approach to learning has long since passed. This eBook by Brainier addresses the most important elements that should be included in your eLearning strategy to ensure every learner is getting the most out of every facet of their platform.

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2. Experiential Learning Strategies For Enterprises: Building Real-World Experiences In Remote Learning Environments By Adobe Connect

This eBook shows you how to execute experiential learning strategies for enterprises that enrich the experience and facilitate knowledge sharing. You will also discover how to find the best advanced virtual training solution with experience design capabilities that suit your needs.

3. Get Fully Ramped In Record Time: Your Guide To Boost Employee Onboarding ROI By eWyse

Employee onboarding is instrumental to the success or failure of any business. There is much to gain from onboarding and training a valuable employee, just as there is much to be lost from seeing an employee walk out the door. Turnover is an expensive and disruptive event. In this book, eWyse explores how to increase employee onboarding ROI so that you can focus on what is important—the success of your business.

4. Customer Training And Blended Learning: A Perfect Match By TalentLMS

Blended learning can transform your customer training. Discover the what, why, and how in this eBook, and get ready to build a successful training program. It also features a complete list of tools you’ll need to launch your strategy.

5. Ready, Learner One? The L&D Innovator’s Gateway To Immersive Learning And The Metaverse By SweetRush

Wondering what the metaverse is—and what’s in it for L&D? Join SweetRush for this guided tour of immersive learning in the metaverse and beyond. You’ll discover who (and what) lives in the metaverse, four strong use cases for immersive learning, and what the future holds for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology and immersive learning.

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6. VRoom: Getting Started With VR For Training By ELB Learning

Did you know that VR can get better results than traditional eLearning? From higher retention to improved muscle memory, there are dozens of reasons to embrace VR. If you’re ready to try it, this eBook by ELB Learning guides you through each step and element.

7. Thriving In The Global Skills Shortage: Your Path Through The Wilderness By Cornerstone People Research Lab

Download this 2022 Global Skills Report by Cornerstone to learn how successful organizations worldwide are using skills to navigate uncharted territory and help themselves and their people thrive in a new world of work.

8. Virtual Classrooms: Leveraging Technology For Impact By ATD

This eBook investigates key questions around virtual classroom training to provide benchmarking data and highlight best practices. It draws upon a sample of talent development professionals from 434 organizations. Of these, 40% reported performing well across several key business areas and having talent development functions that made strong contributions to organizational performance. Uncover what makes highly effective organizations stand apart from the rest and how virtual classroom practices connect to real-world performance.

9. An L&D Manager’s Mobile Learning Guide To Leverage Personalized Content For Skills Training By CommLab India Rapid eLearning Solutions

Mobile technology is affecting how we live, work, and learn. L&D leaders can no longer ignore mobile learning’s potential for corporate learning. Explore how you can utilize mobile learning for skills training.

Looking For More eLearning Titles?

Check out our eLearning eBook library for more must-reads. There are over 400 titles to choose from, penned by industry thought leaders and L&D insiders.

See also  Does Hybrid Work Affect Productivity?


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