Personalized Learning For Gen Z



What Makes Personalized Learning The Perfect Choice For Generation Z?

For many years now, we have been seeing businesses shift their corporate cultures, training programs, and values to adapt to the millennials, the generation that was swarming workplaces around the world. However, a few years have passed, and a new generation of employees is making its professional debut, Generation Z. Although only a few years separate one group from the other, the rapid technological advancements of the aughts have significantly differentiated the way they view learning on an educational and professional level. If you want to help the newest members of your organization reach their maximum potential, this article is for you. Read on to discover why more and more businesses are utilizing personalized learning for Gen Z employees.

What Is Personalized Learning?

Before we dive into the ever-so-popular Gen Z, let’s start by defining what personalized learning is. At its core, personalized learning refers to a teaching technique which aims to help educators, tutors, and instructors identify the unique needs, interests, and abilities of a learner and create a customized learning path to accommodate them. Since no two learners have the exact same gaps, skills, and goals for the future, it’s easy to realize that a wide range of methods can belong in the personalized learning category, from adaptive and blended to project-based and student-directed learning. Whichever method or model you use, what’s important is that you allow the learner’s experience, knowledge, and preferences to guide the learning process. Achieve that, and your learners will not only acquire knowledge more quickly and efficiently, but also retain it for longer.

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Who Is Generation Z?

What exactly do we mean when we talk about Generation Z? Gen Z, Zoomers, iGeneration, centennials, or post-millennials are some of the many terms used to describe those born in the late ’90s up to the early 2000s. Although there is some discussion about the exact dates, in general, people born between 1996 and 2012 are considered Gen Zers. This generation has been shaped by various major events, such as the Great Recession, COVID-19, climate change, as well as the rise of technology, with social networks, smart devices, and 24/7 connectivity becoming a staple of their everyday lives.

3 Gen Z Characteristics That Make Them Love Personalized Learning

As the oldest members of Gen Z complete their education and enter the job market, they bring with them their unique habits and abilities. To understand why personalized learning is so important for their personal and professional development, we have to look into the way Generation Z has grown to view learning. Here are 3 Gen Z learning habits that prove that personalization is the right course of action when it comes to training them.

1. Gen Z Learns By Doing

Seeing how attached to their screens they are, one might think that Gen Zers are not very active learners. However, that’s far from true. In fact, research shows that Zoomers thrive in active learning environments that allow them to interact with others and implement their knowledge in a hands-on manner. They make mistakes and learn from them. For this generation, knowledge equals experience. In addition, they really value the ability to be autonomous in choosing the direction of their learning journey. Their habit of combining information from multiple resources helps them create unique learning experiences.

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2. Gen Z Learns On-Demand

No other generation has ever had easier access to information than Gen Z. Whatever question they have, they can find the answer in mere seconds just by googling it. All the platforms they use, from shopping to social media, carefully cater to their needs thanks to intelligent algorithms. It’s only natural that they expect the same for their learning. We should also mention their love for information presented in video form. Where previous generations would read an article, Gen Z prefers learning new skills by watching videos. Their short duration and helpful visuals make them a great choice for self-directed learning.

3. Gen Z Learns Collaboratively

Many people believe that the newer generations are isolated due to their excessive use of technology. However, Gen Z is more connected than any generation preceding them. From a young age, they have been used to communicating and exchanging opinions and ideas with people from all over the world. This extends to their learning habits. Research shows that Generation Z places great value in personal interactions and prefers to learn in collaborative environments, whether online or offline. Finally, they are firm supporters of sharing knowledge, which makes technology a perfect companion in their learning journey.

Connecting Through Personalization

As Gen Z employees enter the workforce, a new era begins in employee training. This younger generation, who grew up in a world of high internet speeds and constant connectivity, makes us realize the necessity for practical, on-the-spot learning that supports collaboration and exchange of ideas. By utilizing personalized learning for Gen Z, we can unlock their unique potential and pave the way for a workforce that will be more efficient and innovative than ever before.

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Are you looking for the right outsourcing partner to launch an L&D program for your multigenerational workforce? Check out our Top Content Providers For Custom eLearning list to choose the best solutions for your team.


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