Did Kris Foster Ever Recover Her Stolen Motorcycle? Yes and No …



During this week’s new episode of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, viewers learned about Kris Foster’s stolen motorcycle.

This was not just a theft of an expensive vehicle. It was also the loss of a gift from her late father.

And it was also a colossal headache for her. One that threatened to disrupt her wedding plans with Jeymi.

Of course, this season filmed many months ago. Did Kris ever get her bike back? Did she send the thief to prison?

Kris Foster has had more than her share of bad luck. Clearly, that began long before her time on the show.

As she told Jeymi Noguera on Season 4, Episode 6, she might have to fly back to Alabama to testify against the thief who broke into her home and stole her motorcycle.

She valued the vehicle at around $50,000 — at least, before someone stole it. And it had a lot of sentimental value. After the episode aired, Kris shared photos of the bike … and expressed her displeasure. Reading her words, you can see why.

“Well thanks dope heads for totally destroying my beautiful bike!!” Kris wrote in a lengthy, scathing Instagram caption.

“I’m happy it was found during a drug raid,” she noted. “But the Haleyville police dept forgot to tell me they found it.”

“So,” Kris lamented, “it’s been sitting at impound lot since January 28th!!!” Apparently, in this time, the vehicle has accrued fines — and Kris, the victim of a crime, is on the hook for them.

“Add it up 250 for towing it plus 35 a day it sits there!!” Kris wrote.

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“The nice people at the lot says I can get it for 500 which is amazing,” she noted. “But I shouldn’t have to pay that!!”

Kris then emphasized: “I would have driven at 3 in the morning the minute they found it to get my baby!!!”

“Now I have to figure out how to take care of this!!” Kris shared. “In the end I’m thankful my bike is coming back to me.”

She wrote: “My dad will be smiling in the after life but I feel like I’m being robbed again.”

And all “because of this incompetence on our public figures behalf!!!”

“Yes investigators are playing the blame game,” Kris explained in a follow-up comment. “Haleyville saying Franklin county is responsible because they found it.”

“Then,” she continued, “I call Franklin county and they say it’s Haleyville fault because that’s where it was stolen from!!”

Kris expressed: “It’s so wrong!! I just hope I can get the money together soon and just be done with all of this mess!”

“The worst part is multiple vehicles on the lot and owners have no info on them either!!” Kris revealed.

“Several people not knowing their stolen vehicles were recovered,” she detailed. “And if they don’t find out soon then impound lit owns them!!!”

Kris shared: “I plan on taking a video when I go pick mine up so I can post to maybe help others not knowing their stuff is found.”

“Yes it’s a hard situation and it’s not the tow yards fault,” Kris emphasized. “They are being sweet.”

She went on: “But they have to get paid for going out at 3 in morning to get it, and I understand that.”

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“But maybe I can help these other people out there upset their stuff was stolen,” Kris suggested. “And I can at least notify them so they don’t lose it all over again to the lot yard. That would be a win for me just helping others find out about their stuff!”

“This was the only material possession my dad ever cared about,” Kris wrote of her motorcycle.

“And we use to ride when I was little and that was our thing ya know,” she shared. “When he got this bike he couldn’t wait for me to see it and I joked that I was happy he bought me an awesome bike!”

Kris recalled: “Lol he told everyone from then on that it was mine and he was just holding it for me.”

“Hahaha when he got too sick to ride, he wanted me to go ahead and take it,” Kris explained.

“But I refused,” she recalled, “until right before he passed away because I knew he could still see it out his window.”

Kris elaborated: “I would clean it up and crank it and let him hear it, and it still put a smile on his face. that bike sat where he could see it for five years. It means more to me than I can even explain.”

“I was having to go to court because they found the man who stole it,” Kris explained to a confused commenter.

“But the bike was not in his possession when he was arrested!” she lamented.

Kris then specified that “They never found it until recently!!” Recently being about a month and a half ago.

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Kris also shared how she hopes that the thief can somehow reimburse her for these fines and fees — by court order, of course.

That said, she has a realistic idea of whether or not this would pan out.

It is unfortunate that our legal system and law enforcement structures seem to add additional layers of penalization and suffering to victims. This is only one of countless examples. We hope that all is right with Kris and her property very soon.


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