How To Beat The Blindfolded Boy In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty



The true final boss of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, The Blindfolded Boy, shows up for players to beat in the last story chapter named “The Crouching Dragon Roars” as the last obstacle in the way of completing the game’s story. Standing out as the ultimate challenge that tests everything players have learned, The Blindfolded Boy has blindingly fast physical attacks and a mastery of magic that makes them an incredibly dangerous foe. As a humanoid boss, players should be ready for various attacks and exploit his weaknesses to ensure victory.


Right away, players will notice some similarities between The Blindfolded Boy and other bosses such as The Embodiment of Demonic Qi or even the first boss Zhang Liang in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Players are recommended to focus heavily on inflicting damage to the Spirit Gauge of The Blindfolded Boy whenever they can, as staggering the boss leads to great opportunities to inflict significant damage, as seen with the other foes mentioned. By parrying as many attacks as possible, players inflict negative Spirit into their enemy while building positive Spirit for themselves, a core game mechanic that becomes more useful than ever in this fight.

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General Strategies for Fighting The Blindfolded Boy

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty The Blindfolded Boy NPC in Front of Burning Village in Game Cutscene

The greatest strength of The Blindfolded Boy is their extremely fast attacks that test how well the player can parry certain strikes. From summoned swords that change their timing to projectiles and other magic, this boss has consistently swift moves that pressure the player constantly. Unlike the fight against Demon Lu Bu earlier in the game, players have a far more restricted arena to fight this boss in. Planting Battle Flags at locations around Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty‘s mission area before this boss battle remains crucial to success, as building enough Morale and Fortitude Rank gives players a better chance to win.

Unfortunately, The Blindfolded Boy doesn’t seem to have any weaknesses to specific magics from any Elemental Phases players may specialize in. General skills derived from the Wood and Fire Phases are versatile enough to give players extra tools against the boss, but any magic will be equally effective for better or worse. Defending against The Blindfolded Boy’s physical attacks leaves players little room to cast magic, making it very important to have multiple spells found first in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty that doesn’t take long to activate.

The Blindfolded Boy’s Move List

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Fending Off Against The Blindfolded Boy's Spinning Attack Multi Hitting Move Player Perspective Screenshot

Attack Name


How to Counter

Demonic Dash

The Blindfolded Boy glows red briefly before dashing toward the player for a quick attack.

Players should try to parry this attack after the red flash.

Dash and Slash

The boss dashes forward at the player without any build-up, slashing with their sword.

Although challenging, players should also try to parry this move.

Demonic Energy

Glowing red once again, The Blindfolded Boy flies into the air while charging a massive red orb that they hurl toward the player as a projectile that damages on impact.

Dodging this attack is quite simple for the player because of how the Blindfolded Boy telegraphs it. However, using the beginning mechanic to parry in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty causes the projectile causes it to reflect back to the boss for negative Spirit Gauge damage.

Spinning Attack

Charging their sword, The Blindfolded Boy coats their blade in black and white energy before dashing at the player, swinging the weapon several times in quick succession.

Dodging to the side more than once or attempting to parry each strike is the best way to deal with this move.

Spectral Swords

The boss flies up before summoning a random amount of spectral blades that fly at the player as tracking projectiles.

Blocking or parrying these swords gives players a brief window to close the distance toward the boss as they recover from this attack animation.

Hand of Power

The Blindfolded Boy glows red again, extending their hand and dashing to the player.

This move cannot be blocked or parried. Instead, players need to run away or dodge to avoid taking damage and heal with Wo Long Fallen Dynasty‘s Dragon Cure Pot if required.

Lightning Strike

Floating upwards, the boss charges this attack before causing lightning to strike several sections of the arena.

The spots where the lighting strikes occur are telegraphed by markers on the ground beforehand, giving players an idea of how to avoid them.


Much like Lightning Strike, The Blindfolded Boy rises into the air before a large part of the battlefield erupts in sharp rocks that damage anyone standing within them.

Similar to the previous attack, players can notice which large part of the arena will get covered in rocks, giving them a split second to run away before the Earthquake takes place.

Poison Clouds

The boss summons multiple green mists after charging this attack in the air again. The clouds in the mists are poisonous, damaging the player or any multiplayer allies in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty if they stay within them.

Players need to run away from the mist before the clouds appear, taking note of how much smaller the arena becomes as a result.

Rewards for Defeating The Blindfolded Boy

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Divine Beast Yinglong of Elemental Phase of Earth as In-Game Summon

Several upgrades become available to players once The Blindfolded Boy falls, defeating, as the story of the game comes to a subsequent end as well. However, the most crucial reward players get for beating the epilogue boss is a Divine Beast named Yinglong. Divine Beasts are powerful spirits of folklore that act as a player’s ultimate summon to use in their most challenging battles, providing powerful benefits.

Divine Beast Yinglong ties to the Elemental Phase of Earth, which players usually associate with defense and restorative properties beyond those found in Battle Flag locations throughout Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Appearing as a winged dragon, Yinglong’s first ability revives the player if they die in the battle of the Divine Beast Gauge is completely filled, saving them at the last moment when all hope would be lost. Once players beat The Blindfolded Boy in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, they can start the game’s story over in New Game+ with Yinglong in tow, tackling the game’s challenging foes once again with even more powerful gear.

More: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty – All Valley Of Crying Wraiths Flag Locations

  • Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Poster
    Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

    PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft Windows, Steam


    Team Ninja

    Koei Tecmo

    Action RPG, Hack and Slash, Soulslike

    Online Co-Op

    Proprietary Team Ninja Engine


    Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a new action-soulslike game from Team Ninja, the developers of Ninja Gaiden and Nioh. Set during the Later Han Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms, players will create their own military soldier battling within a great war, trying to survive and repel the Yellow Turban rebellion. Inspired by ancient Chinese mythology and history, players will learn to master various weapons and magic spells as they face legendary soldiers and powerful and monstrous beasts on their quest. To even out the difficulty, players can choose to face foes at their level for a more careful path or face greater foes for even greater rewards.

    Single-Player, Multiplayer


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