How To Learn New Recipes (Crafts)



Players are able to learn new recipes in Sons of the Forest to craft items that will help their continued survival by finding different resources.

In order to learn new recipes and craft items in Sons of the Forest, players must venture out into the wild and collect enough materials from different areas. The starting equipment players are able to use allows them to gather plenty of these materials from the region on the map where the game begins. Simply picking up an item that has not been in their inventory before opens up all the crafting recipes associated with that object, giving players new recipes that they learn automatically.


Once players pick up a new object from the world, the basic controls in Sons of the Forest guide them to a gear icon found on the item in their inventory. Placing that item to the center of their Inventory Mat gives players to option to see what materials are needed to combine that object into a new item through crafting. Unlike structures that are built outside in the world rather than in the inventory menu, players are able to take their time and investigate items to see what recipes they’ve learned.

Related: Sons of the Forest: How To Survive & Beat The Game

Learning Advanced Crafting Recipes in Sons of the Forest

Sons of the Forest 3D Printer Used for Advanced Crafting with Printer Ink and Resin Resources Needed

Although players have every structure recipe from the start of the game, and most crafted recipes are learned when new items are picked up, there are advanced recipes that are more elusive to find. Most of the time, players are able to simply explore the world for items they haven’t had in their inventory before, especially when finding the Rope Gun in Sons of the Forest that lets them travel to new areas. Advanced recipes, on the other hand, are found with 3D Printers scattered around the map with special recipes for much rarer items.

3D Printers can be found on the player’s GPS when searching the map, indicated by green flashing pointers.

These printers only run on Printer Ink, and cost Resin to construct certain types of advanced items, so players are recommended to build their base around these secluded gadgets. However, since 3D Printers typically are found in caves and other spots where plenty of other loot can be collected, there are bound to be powerful enemies nearby like Sons of the Forest‘s hard-to-defeat Cannibals.

Every 3D Printer Recipe


Resin Cost


50 Resin for 4 Arrows


150 Resin

Water Flask

100 Resin

Grappling Hook

100 Resin

Tech Mesh

250 Resin


1000 Resin

Players should be careful to only craft what they are able to afford from 3D Printer recipes, as once the process begins their resources are consumed, and they cannot replace the item inside the machine. Since building a special item from these printers may take some time, players could try and break down other objects in the world to find new items. Using their starting hatchet on trees or enemies yields objects that could help them learn new recipes for essential items to craft in Sons of the Forest.

More: Sons of the Forest: How To Get Food & Eat

  • Sons of the Forest Poster
    Sons of the Forest



    Endnight Games


    Survival Horror

    Online Co-Op



    A sequel to 2018’s The Forest, Sons of the Forest is a survival horror game that puts players in control of a character sent to find a missing billionaire lost on a remote island. What starts as a search and rescue quickly devolve into a fight for survival, as the protagonist quickly learns that the island isn’t deserted – and its inhabitants only crave one thing.

    The Forest

    Single-Player, Multiplayer


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