90 Day Fiance fan-favorite Loren Brovarnik is now more than six months post partum.
But while fans rave over the Loren & Alexei: After The 90 Days star’s post-baby body, she hasn’t “bounced back” in every way.
She is a mother of three very young children. And Loren has opened up about her past struggles.
… And about her current ones. Loren just spoke to followers about her relapse.

In a recent and very vulnerable video, Loren Brovarnik spoke about her emotional well being. The short version? Not great.
“Update on the mental breakdown,” she told her followers.
“I’m sitting in the car because I did cry,” Loren admitted. “I don’t know why.”

She characterized her life and her emotional state as a “roller coaster.”
And there is more to it than simply the exhaustion and very material stresses of having three very young children.
“F–king hormones, man” Loren then commented.

Loren is very well aware that not everyone will understand her pendulous emotional state, or why her mental health is hanging on by a thread.
Why? Because not everyone has personally experienced postpartum depression.
But Loren knows that some of her followers understand.

“Relapsing is hard,” Loren expressed to her followers.
When she began to speak about how her “babies are getting big,” she ended up breaking down into tears.
Any of us who have become emotional over a video of a tiny dog or a gentle raccoon can at least imagine how we might respond if those feelings became greatly amplified. Oh, and if we were chronically sleep-deprived.

According to Loren, her astrological sign and her tendency to be an extremist thinker contribute to her emotional state.
“Extremist thinker” might sound like a Vulcan terrorist cell, but actually refers to anxious contingency ideation. One might call it being a “worrywart.”
Simply put, your friend who is often late is running late. Some part of you imagines that they have died or are currently dying, foregoing Occam’s Razor (they’re just late) for what I like to call Occam’s Silly-Straw.

“I’m super extra,” Loren admitted, “in case you haven’t realized that by now.” She hid her teary eyes behind her sunglasses.
“I literally get into my head about everything,” she added relatably.
Additionally, Loren confessed how she feels “insane” having an almost 3-year-old, an 18-month-old, and a 6-month-old all at once.

Meanwhile, Loren acknowledged that she feels “scared of every little thing” as her very small children get older.
“I sit in my car sometimes,” she shared. “And I just cry it out.”
Loren then emphasized that this is the right thing to do, “because everybody needs a good cry.” True!
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