New Batman and Robin Series Brings Bruce and Damian Back Together



Father and son are finally back together, as Batman’s son, Damian, is joining his father in a brand-new ongoing title. An upcoming Batman and Robin comic will see this version of the Dynamic Duo reunite for the first time in years.

At MegaCon 2023, DC Comics previewed what fans could expect in the fall as the publisher continues its Dawn of DC initiative. This September, DC will release a new Batman and Robin ongoing from Joshua Williamson (Superman, Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths) and Simone Di Meo (Future State: Harley Quinn, Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood). The Boy Wonder joining the Dark Knight for this adventure will be Bruce’s biological son, Damian. Williamson followed up the announcement with a post on Twitter that gave fans a sneak peek at the upcoming title.


The art sees Bruce and Damian swinging through the skyline of Gotham together. The artwork hints at what fans can expect from the series, such as villains like Killer Croc, Manbat, and Orca. There’s also a brief glimpse at Damian’s new vehicle, his own ‘Robin Mobile’.

Damian is Taking His Spot Back as Batman’s Robin

Batman and Robin Preview Art DC Comics

Admittedly, it’s a bit of a shock to see Damian reclaiming his role in the Dynamic Duo. Things have been hard for the two since Bruce’s son quit his role as Robin and left Gotham to travel the world. Bruce and Damian briefly reunited in Shadow War to hunt down the true killer of Ra’s al Ghul. But they also went to war against one another in Batman vs. Robin when Damian fell under the influence of the Devil Nezha. It’s been tough for the father and son since their falling out, but after nearly losing his father, Damian realized just how important Bruce is to him.

Bruce and Damian will be partners again for the first time in a long while. While it’s unknown what this means for the currently-acting Robin, Tim Drake, this opportunity is good. When Damian was Batman’s Robin, he grew considerably from the ill-tempered and murderous brat he was when he showed up on Bruce’s doorstep. But their relationship was heavily damaged after Alfred Pennyworth was killed by Bane, an event Damian blamed himself for. The death drove a wedge between the father and son, but now that they’ve been through hell and back together, they can finally make up for lost time.

Batman and Robin Can Mend Bruce and Damian’s Relationship

Bruce and Damian Hug DC Comics

Bruce and Damian are stoic individuals who struggle to talk openly about their emotions. But they still care about one another, and their time apart has only reminded them of the value of family. Damian becoming Bruce’s Robin again is a step towards repairing their relationship and getting things back to normal for the two. It might not be easy, and they may have to work on things to build back the trust they had before. But fighting alongside one another as the Dynamic Duo is a massive step for both heroes. Fans can see the reunion when Batman and Robin releases this September.

Source: Twitter


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