Officer Kane’s Final Dr Pershing Decision Reveals The Mandalorian S3’s Real Story



Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for The Mandalorian season 3, episode 3The Mandalorian season 3, episode 3 “Chapter 19: The Convert” saw the return of Omid Abtahi’s Dr. Penn Pershing, but he was manipulated by New Republic Officer Elia Kane (a character played by Katy O’Brian). The plot of The Mandalorian season 3 is clearly building on the Imperial resurgence teased in the past two seasons, with a growing conspiracy surrounding the Empire’s cloning program. Dr. Pershing believed his work was noble, and sought to continue it – but unfortunately he trusted the wrong person.

The Mandalorian season 3 subtly teased Elia Kane’s betrayal, with musical cues evocative of Palpatine and the Sith. It’s possible to understand her treachery by looking to broader lore, notably Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which is setting up the history of the Empire’s cloning experiments. Putting the pieces together, it’s possible to suggest why Elia Kane betrayed Dr. Pershing and what her plans are.

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Elia Kane Ensured Dr. Pershing’s Mind Was Flayed

Dr. Pershing - The Mandalorian season 3, episode 3

Officer Elia Kane introduced herself as a former Imperial going through the New Republic’s amnesty program, and like Dr. Pershing, she had served on Moff Gideon’s ship. Over the course of The Mandalorian season 3, episode 3, she manipulated Dr. Pershing into trusting her, and then framed him for succumbing to Imperial programming. This made sure he would end up being subject to a deconditioning process she could manipulate, flaying his mind. Pershing’s earlier speech foreshadowed Palpatine’s return as a clone, so it’s easy to see why the Empire would want him silenced.

Alternatively, the process Dr. Pershing was subjected to may have rewritten his mind. It appears similar to one seen in Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 1, where the technology was used to rewrite the mind of mutant clone Crosshair. Elia Kane may well have restored Dr. Pershing’s loyalty to the Empire.

Is Elia Kane Working For The Empire – Or Palpatine Personally?

Zombie Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker

The Mandalorian season 3, episode 3 does not really indicate whether Elia Kane is working for the Imperial Remnant – or whether she’s an operative of Palpatine himself. The musical cue accompanying her scenes, evocative of the Sith, may indicate the latter. Palpatine would have the most to gain from Dr. Pershing’s cloning research, so it would make sense for him to have an agent either wipe Dr. Pershing’s mind or secure his allegiance again. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker showed that some former Imperials like Allegiant General Pryde were working for Palpatine in secret, so Kane could be another of his agents.

It’s also possible Elia Kane is still working for Moff Gideon, who has been rumored to have escaped the New Republic. In that scenario, Moff Gideon is covering up his own experiments (which may or may not dovetail with the Emperor’s). In that scenario, Moff Gideon’s agents will no doubt begin pursuing Din Djarin and Grogu again, given Grogu was clearly so important to his plans. The Imperial Remnant has already resurfaced in The Mandalorian season 3, episode 3, bombing Bo-Katan’s House Kryze fortress, so the Empire is clearly still a force to be reckoned with.

New episodes of The Mandalorian release Wednesdays on Disney+.

More: The Mandalorian Season 3’s Mythosaur Continues A Monstrous Empire Trend


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