Just days ago, fans expressed concern when they saw Khloe Kardashian partying with Tristan Thompson.
They both did it for the sake of their daughter, True. So … no big deal, right?
Maybe not. Because Tristan just fully committed himself to spending a lot more time in Los Angeles.
He is signing with the Lakers. Savvy career move … or part of a ploy to weasel his way back into Khloe’s heart? Again.

If you’re not familiar with the world of sports, the Lakers are a Los Angeles-based basketball team.
Tristan, who has clearly played elsewhere in the country, has now officially signed on to join them.
This is no longer just a behind-the-scenes report. The team went public about the news on social media.

Tristan is hardly new to the scene.
Experts on the world of sportsball say that Tristan will bring experience to the Lakers’ lineup.
He’s not just a seatwarmer, insiders suggest. Between a current array of injuries on the team and Tristan’s history on the court, he could end up actually playing. Strange as it may sound, that is not a guarantee of signing on to a team.

Lakers fans are reportedly celebrating this news. Apparently, Tristan could help them to get an actual shot at success in the sports world.
Things were, we are to understand, looking less promising just last month.
However, many people’s reactions have less to do with who can best bounce and aim an orange sphere … and more to do with Tristan’s off-the-court life.

Tristan has lived in Los Angeles before. But, when he worked and played on the other side of the country, he obviously did not spend as much time there.
This time, things will be different. It’s not that he’ll never have to leave, but LA will be his home base for work. That makes a difference.
And, in many ways, it is fantastic that he would get to spend more time with the two children whom he shares with Khloe. The two have continued amicably co-parenting … no matter what he puts her through.

Unfortunately, we have all recently witnessed ominous portents that foretell disaster. Specifically, red flags that Tristan and Khloe are once again growing closer.
Didn’t he cheat on and humiliate her yet again? Of course. That’s what he does. Sadly, he has been doing this since before True was born. True, who this month turns five years old.
The only thing that stops Tristan from cheating on Khloe is when they are not together, and thus it’s not cheating. Somehow, however, he has repeatedly wormed his way back into her good graces. And this new career move could make that much easier. Oh dear.
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