Meghan Markle has been accused of just about every sort of bad behavior imaginable over the course of her marriage to Prince Harry.
But the endless assault on her character from the British tabloid media has grown even more intense in the months since Queen Elizabeth II passed away.
And the vitriol might get worse in the weeks to come, as the preparations for King Charles’ coronation enter their final stage.
You see, the favorite line of attack for UK muckrakers is that Meghan is the sole reason that Harry isn’t closer with his family.

And if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are not in attendance at the coronation — which appears to be a distinct possibility — then the haters will inevitably place all of the blame on Meg.
Preparations for that campaign are already underway, and one of the most even-handed observers of his colleagues’ malfeasance is a British author and journalist named Robert Jobson.
Jobson has a new published a new memoir of Charles, and while his main focus is on the England’s new monarch, he spends a lot of time examining the king’s complex relationship with Harry and Meghan.

Jobson addresses the argument that Meghan is the cause of the rift between Harry and Charles, but he stops just short of agreeing with it.
“Some blame Meghan Markle for the fallout, ignoring the fact that Harry seems to be the driving force in everything that happened,” the author writes.
“There was a point when officials joked Harry was the victim of Stockholm syndrome, and he was Meghan’s hostage, but now most just feel Harry has turned his back on everything he has known.”

Yes, it seems that when Harry and Meghan first left the UK, palace officials liked to joke that the Duchess of Sussex had kidnapped her husband.
It’s a little tougher to make that argument these days, especially since Harry’s memoir made it quite clear that his beef with his family predates his marriage by several decades.

But while Harry might have done his best to exonerate Meghan in the book, it seems unlikely that the royals will ever come around to accepting his American bride.
Jobson says the bad blood between the two factions of the family is so bad that they could barely stand to be in one another’s company during the events surrounding the Queen’s funeral last year.
“Catherine later admitted to a senior royal that, such was the ill feeling between the two couples, the joint walkabout was one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do,” Jobson writes.

So while the royals might have been forced to acknowledge that the feud is not entirely Meghan’s fault, it seems that they won’t be issuing her an apology anytime soon.
And we’re sure Meghan long ago gave up any hope of reconciling with her in-laws.
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